Our Committees

St. Stephen’s is organized according to the Canons of the Anglican church of Canada.

Parish Corporation

Incumbent: Canon George Kwari

Rector’s Warden: Marilyn Brownlee

People’s Warden: JoAnn Collett

Parish Council

Incumbent and Wardens, (see above)

Deputy Wardens, Dave Muirhead and Dave Wilson

Treasurer, Eileen Mortimer

Assistant Treasurer, Rob Hamilton

Members of Synod, Leslie Worden, Marilyn Brownlee, Marilyn Sullivan

Liturgical Coordinator, Dave Chisholm

Education Coordinator, Hilary Dawson

Fellowship Coordinator, Pat Hamilton

Outreach Coordinator, Margaret Muirhead

Property Coordinator, George Weber

Stewardship Coordinator, JoAnn Collett

BIPOC Coordinator, Shirley Brathwaite

Communications Coordinator, Leslie Worden

Members at large, Shirley Brathwaite, Rick Perley


Finance Team

The Wardens and the Treasurer bear the primary responsibility of tracking finances and budgeting. Valuable roles are also played by the Counters, a small but dedicated team that meets to count the weekly offering; and the Envelope Secretary, who records the offerings of each envelope holder and issues statements and tax receipts.

Property Committee

This group performs important maintenance on the Church property. This work includes repairs, cleaning, maintaining equipment and gardening. The Property Committee also works on larger projects and renovations, under the direction of the Incumbent and wardens. Teams of parishioners normally form work parties as they are needed, such as in the spring to clean the grounds or in the summer, to maintain the gardens.

Interested? Ready to volunteer? See any of the Coordinators (above ), for more information.

To reach any of your parish representatives, for more information or to volunteer:

Share a coffee with the coordinator at Coffee Hour after church (they wear green nametags) or send an email to: office@ststephensottawa.org, stating that you would like your email to be forwarded to the appropriate Chairperson.